Cocktail machine is the easy choice for making fresh cocktails
Cocktail machine hire is a new trend that has swept across the party hire industry. The machines make ready to drink cocktails with little to no effort at all. The traditional way of cocktail making comprises of cutting up fresh fruit. You then need to muddle this up till it turns into a pulp texture. Once you have your fruit pulp you then need large bowls of ice. The ice needs to be crushed till it is in a slushie consistency and this can take a lot of time and manual effort.
Once you have prepared all your fruit and ice, you then have to mix alcohol in your cocktail mix which requires further care. You need to carefully measure out the alcohol to get the right consistency. Once you have completed all the above preparation, you then need to strain the mix as you pour it into your glass.
The new and easy way of cocktail making is via a frozen cocktail machine. The cocktail machine does all of the above for you. The machine consists of large clear bowls which hold the mixture, with an internal auger which rotates and keeps the cocktails mixed correctly and fresh. The cocktail machine has a cooling column within the bowl that turns the mix into an icey consistency so you don't require ice. The mixture comes pre made in a liquid form so all you have to do is pour it into the cocktail machine, and then wait about an hour for it to be all mixed up. You then lift off the lid, and pour a 1L bottle of alcohol into the bowl, and then the cocktails are ready.
To serve the cocktails, all you need to do is pull down the handle of the cocktail machine and fill your cup. The cocktail machine can make sixty frozen cocktails per bowl, so if you get a double bowl, you can expect 120 drinks and so on. There are many flavours to choose from like strawberry daiquiri, margarita, cosmopolitan, pina colada, blue Hawaiian, midori illusion and many more. All the favourite cocktails are available in a ready to go cocktail mix bottle. You can also pour in any of your own juices and soft drinks in to make your very own signature cocktails.
You can view our Cocktail Machine page for more information and package deals.